Eighteen-year-old Alexia ( Katherine Heigl) is popular, stylish, has a jock boyfriend, Kyle (Don Jeffcoat), and puts no effort into schoolwork. Why Would Anyone Take Her Back?: Oh, Kyle.Alexia and Hayley Wheaton are portrayed as sisters who live in the same house and attend the same high school.He admits to liking seeing her without makeup which hides her beauty. Unkempt Beauty: Hayley as Alexia gets Kyle to fall for her this way.Tomboy and Girly Girl: Hayley and Alexia.And this happens moments after he finally spits it out and is rejected. Third-Act Misunderstanding: Simon decides he likes Alexia.The '90s: The knee high socks, the argyle, Hayley's grungy wardrobe, Alexia's bare midriff obsession, etc.Stalker with a Crush: Simon could definitely qualify.When she looks at Alexia's picture of Kyle (in Alexia's body) and flirts with it, Kyle's original smile turns into a scared grimace, resulting in a Funny Moment. Spooky Painting: Hayley has a crush on Kyle.When Alexia stops writing in it for two weeks, Caitlin notices. Secret Diary: Alexia's diary is entertainment for Hayley and Caitlin.Rich People: That's a mighty big house they got there.She too, was jealous of the qualities her sister possessed. Plot Twist: Turns out, Alexia wished to Hayley at the exact same time Hayley made her wish!.And consider this: both guys essentially fell for Hayley in a hotter girl's body. Simon originally liked Hayley, but with Alexia in her body, not so much. Personality Swap: Kyle actually starts to fall for Alexia while Hayley is in her body.And towards the end, when their parents sit down with her, she questions why they let Hayley out of the house in a dominatrix uniform. She's also the first to notice the strange behavior both the girls are displaying. She sees right through Alexia's attempt in the beginning to get a recommendation since her grades are so bad. Only Sane Woman: Principal Mittermiller.Alexia is even appalled that her sister assumed this. Hayley assumes her sister is sexually active until its revealed that she isn't. Even her mom has a problem with her going to school wearing platform high heels and crop tops. While they're not that bad per se, this is high school. No Dress Code: How did no one send Hayley home in that outfit? Also, Alexia's outfits.Male Gaze: The construction workers are in delight of Alexia's skimpy outfit.He is surprisingly not a douchebag and is even nice to Hayley, who adores him. Lovable Jock: Alexia's boyfriend Kyle.Informed Ability: Hayley isn't old enough drive yet, which makes her dependent on Alexia.

Girl Posse: Alexia's stuck-up, shallow friends.At the end of the movie, all she says is "give me one more chance," and all is fine. Once when she decides their time is up and the second (albeit not her fault) when he sees her get kissed by Simon. Dominatrix: Hayley pulls this one out after the sisters decide to start sabotaging each others' lives.When the two switch bodies, guess what happens.
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